

Michigan District Directors

Dave & Carolyn Frazer
Email: mdd_dave
(989) 751-3240

Our Association is open to all Motorcyclists, not just Gold Wing riders.
​We endorse family participation and encourage safe riding with our prime objective towards rider education as well as education of the motoring public!

GWRRA Michigan is now on Facebook
Go ahead and communicate with your fellow Michigan Members!
Post YOUR GWRRA-MI Photos & Videos on Facebook!

The District puts on two major events per year.
The summer event for 2022 is the Michigan District Rally at the
Church of God Campgrounds, St Louis, MI.
August 18th 19th & 20th, 2022
Theme:  "Wild West"
Registration xlxs

On December 31, 2022 GWRRA will be closing down.

Upcoming Chapter Events

Road Safari Order Form

GWRRA Online Training

Friday - Saturday September 16-17
Chapter V

Saturday October 8
Chapter V

Saturday December 3
Chapter C
Christmas Party

2021 Michigan District Rainbow Connection Drawing Winners
Lottery# R-39125

1st place $10,000
Kim Kim Bargeron from Chapter V.
(sold by Kim Bargeron Chapter V)

2nd place $2,500
Tim Schember No other information given

3rd place $1,000
Marcia Emmett